Thursday, January 22, 2009

Something Fun

Here's an idea I stole from a friend's blog:
Post your first picture from your first folder in your "Pictures" file on your computer (even if it's not a great picture) and explain, if necessary. On the next one, post your second picture from your second folder, and so on. If you have tons of pictures going back a few years like I do, it should be interesting. So, here goes nothing...

Folder 1, Picture 1 - Christmas 2001 at Mom's House

This was the first Christmas after Graduation. It was the end of a very crazy week for J and I. We had just graduated, moved to Alabama and started new jobs. We drove up to IL for Christmas, and then got caught in an ice storm driving home. I think it was the last time we drove to my Mom's from Huntsville. Only flying from that point on.

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